Friday, February 15, 2019

Appreciation of work (experience in TATA trust event)

            Tata Trusts are the oldest, multicultural humanitarian organization. The Tata companies are the apex group of company, wealth that accrues from this asset supports a variety of causes, institutions and individuals in a wide variety of areas. In this manner, the profits that the Tata companies earn go back many times over to the communities they operate in. These funds have been deployed towards a whole range of community development programs across the country, for over 100 years now. More than a company, it is famous for Tata trust now. Tata trusts have played a pioneering role in transforming traditional ideas of charity and introducing the concept of benevolence to make a real difference to communities. Through grant-making, direct implementation and co-partnership strategies, the Trusts support and drive innovation in the areas of healthcare and nutrition, water and sanitation, energy, education, rural livelihoods, natural resource management, urban poverty alleviation, enhancing civil society and governance, media, arts, crafts and culture and diversified employment. The trusts engage with competent individuals and government bodies, international agencies and like-minded private sector organizations to nurture a self-sustaining eco-system that collectively works across all these areas.
              This time we got an opportunity through PVCHR to work with them and pleasure moment of our life. The program was for labors help them to construct a Mahamana madan Mohan Malvi cancer hospital in Varanasi. There were almost one thousand and fifty labors working on construction. Each labor supposed to call three members from family and there were almost three thousand people altogether. We were suggested to behave respectful, happy and helpful to all the guests. When we heard the number of people coming for an event for the first time, we were like oh my god!  And we (fk fellows) were in food department with major roles that we have to look after single food counter. We were so excited and somehow frightened as well. First day was a day of entrance people were coming turn by turn so it was not a rush moment. There were more than thirty buses to pick up the family members of labors. Receiving point was in three different places mougle sarai, kent railway station and bus station where thirty four volunteers face the challenge of it but the Tata trust facilitated all the people as much as they can. Not only in transportation rather for bathroom and toilet services, health services, accommodation, lights, mobile charging pot, clean drinking water and healthy food. While entering with registration the guest had a gifts pack according to gender.
                 We started our day serving break-fast using only two food counter and we succeed. Both lunch and dinner was also served according to that the people were on coming process till next morning. Before having evening meal movie was shown toilet ek prem katha which was about toilet problem in villages. We planned for next day that we had to open all counter for total number of people coming for an event. The next day was started with break-fast, increasing number of people and the excitement in their faces was remarkable to see. People with different culture, nature and their aspects were quite similar because what so ever they belong from the same country. When we talk with the mass most of the people were from UP state like Jharkhand, bihar and state of Rajasthan.
                   Felicitated program started, all the families were delighted to see the beloved one compliment. All the labors who were working since ten months got medals and some gifts, Tata trust also delivered their appreciation towards labors. The assumed manufacturing period was four years because of their hard work, dignity, responsibility, patience and teamwork it only took 10 months to complete it.  All guest visited to Saranath temple which is Buddhist temple where Gautam Buddha gave his first sermon called “Dharma Chakra Pravartana” or “Setting In Motion the Wheels of Law” as it is known in Buddhism, to his disciples in the deer park nearby. Everyone seems so happy and getting back to the event place, there was a cultural evening with light, dance, song, magic and a delicious food.  It would be a panic situation but our teamwork pays off that it was completed fluently. The last day was to visit kashi biswanath and they back to their home. We had an amazing three days, learnt about responsibility, ability, communication, to lead, appreciation for works, team management and team work.
                                                                                       Written by Anu Baskota

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